MEMI Soundpool


Propellerheads Reason 2.0 - Subtractor

50 Patches - Classic Standards


Autor Size Archive Format Sound Format for
Christian Baum 38 K ZIP ZYP (Subtractor) Reason Subtractor


This ZIP archive contains 50 patches for Propellerheads Reason's Subtractor software synthesizer. The sounds cover a few standards that I missed in the factory patches as well as the available freeware around the net. More to come soon... (Feedback is highly appreciated!)

And that's how you load the patches into Subtractor...

Open the ZIP file, and copy all contained files into a folder on your harddisk, preferably the one where Subtractor searches for its sounds anyway. After that, you can open the patch files within Subtractor. Have Fun!

The Legal Stuff

These sounds are distributed as FREEWARE. It is allowed to copy and distribute them freely, but they always have to come with this text. Neither the author nor MEMI can be held responsible for any damages that you or this software cause on any part of your equipment, peripherals or software!

Commercial use of this software is strictly prohibited!

Programmed, compiled and edited by Christian Baum, 11/2002.

Please send questions, remarks and constructive criticism to Christian Baum

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