MEMI-Makers Software

TTS-94b Conversion

TT2 to 94b and back

Programmer Size Archive Format Operating System for
Claus Riethmüller 60 K ZIP MS-DOS Terratec, Guillemot, Hoontech


This download is courtesy of RIDI Multimedia and Copyright (c) by Claus Riethmüller.

While all sampler based cards from Terratec (e.g. EWS64XL), Guillemot (Isis) and Hoontech (SoundTrack series) are built around the Dream sampler chip, Terratec uses its own format for sample banks: TTS. The data, however, is convertible. This software converts TTS banks into the "classic" 94b banks used on Hoontech and Guillemot cards. The reverse is possible, too. The tool runs under MS-DOS or in a Windows DOS box. Just use the command line options.

The Legal Stuff

This software is distributed as FREEWARE. It is allowed to copy and distribute it freely. Neither the author nor MEMI can be held responsible for any damages that you or this software cause on any part of your equipment, peripherals or software!

Commercial use of this software is strictly prohibited!

Programmed by Claus Riethmüller. Released at MEMI 10/2000.

Please send questions, remarks and constructive criticism to Claus Riethmüller

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