MEMI Environment Center


Petrosil's micro Q Editor

Modular Editor


Author Size Archive Format Logic Version created on
Petrosil 43 K ZIP 4.x Windows 98
        AMD K6-III, 400 MHz

Description and Screenshot


Complete sysex editor for Waldorf micro Q

  • 15 separate modules for the sections of the micro Q
  • Every module also operates stand alone, only the desired modules have to be imported
  • Additionally a micro Q multi instrument is included
  • Includes english manual

For further information, please read the help file that comes with the archive.

The Legal Stuff

Filter SectionThis Environment is distributed as FREEWARE. It is allowed to copy and distribute it freely, but it always has to come with this text. Neither the author nor MEMI can be held responsible for any damages that you or this software cause on any part of your equipment, peripherals or software!

It is strictly prohibited to sell this software!

Programmed, compiled and edited by Petrosil, 12/2000.

Please send questions, feedback and constructive criticism to Petrosil

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