MEMI Environment Center


3-Track Step Sequencer for Logic Audio, V1.3a

Author Size Archive Format Logic Version created on
Petrosil 165 K ZIP 4.0 Gold/Platinum -> AMD K6-III/400, 192MB
Windows 98

Description and Screenshot

Screenshot SQ16-3The SQ16-3 Environment contains a 3-track step sequencer. Some features:

  • Full remote control by defineable key assignments
  • Notes and controller values can be inputted directly
  • Automatic pattern control, the patterns can control each other mutually
    like it is known from big hardware sequencers.

For further information, please read the help file that comes with the archive.

The Legal Stuff

No part of the Environment or its accompanying materials like documentation and images shall be copied or used in other projects in any
way without written permission of the author. The archive distributed here for download is intended for private use only.
Neither the author nor MEMI can be held responsible for any damages that you or this software cause on any part of your equipment, peripherals or software!

Commercial use of this software is strictly prohibited!

Programmed, compiled and edited by Petrosil, 11/1999.

Please send questions, feedback and constructive criticism to Petrosil

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